Anyone tempted to pay out a lot of money has a right to expect a lot of anatomy and that is what this DVD contains. Using computerised reconstructions from slice dissections, several views of the head and neck, brain and special senses are available that can be rotated through 360 or stripped layer by layer. Click the pointer over any structure and a description in traditional anatomy textbook style appears at the side of the image.
The head and neck are two examples of the perfect anatomical marriage between form and function, mixed with a dash of complexity. The neck is resilient enough to sustain a five kilogram weight 24/7, yet sufficiently mobile to move it in several directions. On the other end, the head is durable enough to protect the fragile brain but intricately designed to facilitate the passage of the complex neurovascular network.
3d head and neck anatomy for dentistry torrent
Found on either side of the head are your ears. In fact, the only things visible are the auricle and the opening of the ear canal (external auditory canal) because the intricate anatomy is actually hidden inside your skull. The ear consists of three major regions:
If you think the previous structures were complex, wait until you see the neck. This structure is sufficiently strong to anchor the head, but also mobile enough to turn it around. From the outside, the neck is divided into triangles, each one containing specific muscles, vessels, and nerves. In turn, however, the neck also has an internal division in the form of compartments, which are delimited by various layers of cervical fascia.
As the head and neck anatomy is a hot topic among anatomy students, we have specially designed this head and neck anatomy custom quiz. You can remove topics and even individual structures from your selection and tailor it to your own need!
This volume 3 entails the gross anatomy of the major structures of the head and neck. In addition, this volume also focuses on neuroanatomy concepts. This book offers all the major osteology of the structures, blood, and nerve supply. It explains the major structures passing through it. There are also different tables available for the easy understanding of muscle attachments. 2ff7e9595c